Making Picostation m2HP work

hiren panchasara hiren.panchasara at
Wed Aug 28 21:52:48 UTC 2013

> Alright. I was not loading if_ath_pci and that was the reason.
> (Thanks to Sean for yelling at me from across the isle).
> But now, it fails at:
> ath0: <Atheros 9280> at device 0.0 on pci0
> ath0: ath_pci_attach: EEPROM firmware @ 0x8046c000
> [ath]: default pwr offset: -5 dBm != EEPROM pwr offset: 0 dBm; curves will
> be adjusted.
> ath0: ath_getchannels: unable to collect channel list from hal, status 12
> device_attach: ath0 attach returned 22

Turning on debugging:

 # sysctl hw.ath.hal.debug=25600000000
hw.ath.hal.debug: 0 -> 2147483647

# kldload if_ath_pci
ath0: <Atheros 9280> mem 0x10000000-0x1000ffff irq 0 at device 0.0 on pci0
ath0: ath_pci_attach: EEPROM firmware @ 0x8046c000
ar9280Attach: sc 0xc090d000 st 0x803006b4 sh 0xb0000000
ar5416SetReset Applying descriptor swap
ar5416SetPowerMode: AWAKE -> AWAKE (set chip )
ar9280Attach: ID 0x802ff VERSION 0x2 TYPE 0x0 REVISION 0x2
ath_hal_v14EepromAttach Eeprom Version 14.22
v14EepromReadCTLInfo Numctls = 11
ar5416SetPowerMode: AWAKE -> AWAKE (set chip )
ar9280RfAttach: attach AR9280 radio
[ath]: default pwr offset: -5 dBm != EEPROM pwr offset: 0 dBm; curves will
be adjusted.
enableAniMIBCounters: Enable mib counters: OfdmPhyErrBase 0xbffe0c
cckPhyErrBase 0xbfff38
ar9280Attach: return
getchannels: cc 0 regDmn 0xf0 mode 0xffffff ecm
isEepromValid: invalid regulatory domain/country code 0x2a
getregstate: invalid EEPROM contents
ath0: ath_getchannels: unable to collect channel list from hal, status 12
ar5416SetPowerMode: AWAKE -> AWAKE (set chip )
Detaching Ani
Disable MIB counters
ar5416SetPowerMode: AWAKE -> AWAKE (set chip )
ar5416SetReset Applying descriptor swap
ar5416SetPowerMode: AWAKE -> FULL-SLEEP (set chip )
device_attach: ath0 attach returned 22


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