Making Picostation m2HP work

hiren panchasara hiren.panchasara at
Thu Aug 22 07:20:56 UTC 2013

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Adrian Chadd <adrian at> wrote:

> Right! Nice work!
> So that tells me that whatever image you've stuffed into the ubiquiti
> firmware isn't setup right. Did you lzma compress the kernel, then wrap
> that in mkimage or whatever the u-boot command is, and then pass _that_
> output to the ubiquiti firmware builder?

Alright, so as Adrian suggested, I tried to create uboot'ed kernel by

 "# ../build/build/bin/build ap91 uboot"

which basically runs build_uboot which does following:

/usr/local/bin/lzma e ${X_KERNEL} /tftpboot/kernel.${KERNCONF}.lzma || exit

# Create the firmware
mkimage -A ${UBOOT_ARCH} -O linux -T kernel -C lzma \
  -n "FreeBSD" -d /tftpboot/kernel.${KERNCONF}.lzma \
  /tftpboot/kernel.${KERNCONF}.lzma.uImage \
  || exit 1

Now, I had to install /usr/ports/devel/uboot-mkimage/ port to get "mkimage"
binary referenced above.

But as soon as I run "# ../build/build/bin/build ap91 uboot", the laptop
deadlocks. I have to hard reboot the laptop. I tried it 2 times and it
stops right when its trying to execute mkimage command listed above.

I am not sure what is the reason behind that. And I see ray@ is the
maintainer of that port so I am cc'ing him to get some insights too.

But weirdly enough, it still created the kernel file out of this run:

And I've provided that instead of regular kernel.gz in generating final
image but loading that did not yield any different results. It still fails
pretty much the same way.

ar7240> urescue
Setting default IP
Starting TFTP server...
Using eth0 (, address: 0x81000000
Waiting for connection: \
Receiving file from
Received 5811199 bytes
Firmware Version: XS2.ar7240.FreeBSD
Setting U-Boot environment variables
Un-Protected 1 sectors
Erasing Flash.... done
Erased 1 sectors
Writing to Flash... done
Protected 1 sectors
Copying partition 'kernel' to flash memory:
        erasing range 0x9F050000..0x9F12FFFF: .............. done
Erased 14 sectors
        writing to address 0x9f050000, length 0x000e0000 ...
Copying partition 'rootfs' to flash memory:
        erasing range 0x9F130000..0x9F5EFFFF:
Erased 76 sectors
        writing to address 0x9f130000, length 0x004c0000 ...

Firmware update complete.


U-Boot (Jul 19 2012 - 10:41:56)

Board: Ubiquiti Networks XM board (rev 1.0 e302)
DRAM:  32 MB
Flash:  8 MB
PCIe WLAN Module found (#1).
Net:   eth0, eth1
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
## Booting image at 9f050000 ...
Bad Magic Number


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