TL-WR1043: switch
Aleksandr Rybalko
ray at
Wed Nov 30 09:33:25 UTC 2011
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:06:49 +0800
Adrian Chadd <adrian at> wrote:
>> On 30 November 2011 06:59, Stefan Bethke <stb at> wrote:
>> > I couldn't get iic to work, so I rolled my own userland bitbanging
>> > utility, based roughly on the OpenWrt code (minus some small bugs)
>> > and the datasheet.
>> >
>> > I can read and write registers, but to my consternation, most of
>> > the functionality (MIB counters, ST controls, etc.) seems to be
>> > somehow disabled or just plain missing.
You are not alone :)
I even wrote sh scripts that works with gpioctl, and that way it works
but reeeeeeally slow :)
I think we will fix it, but don't know yet when it will happen :)
>> >
>> > I'll try to get a basic utility up and running to use the basic
>> > VLAN mode (not the table-based mode) tomorrow. Once that's
>> > working suffiently well, I could make it into a stand-alone
>> > driver, or see if it can be integrated into Aleksandrs work.
Please try to break to DDB, find address of MDIO access and check all
PHY's on both arge (IIRC by default both arge use same register, but
you need to check on MDIO access registers of both arge). I believe that
RTL have binding to MDIO :)
And i was looked into openwrt pages, and it seems peoples solder
additional wires to work with gpio i2c.
>> Cool!
>> Let's see if we can at least use it as a test point to compare ray's
>> switch framework code against. Ideally it'll be another switch
>> driver, perhaps split into three bits - core, i2c glue, miibus glue.
Yeah, that will be very good, since i still not hear any suggestions or
opinions about my work on switch framework :(
>> I wonder why the iic driver doesn't work. I'd ideally like to glue
>> the switch core to either an i2c bus (for those switches which sit
>> on i2c) or via an MII PHY, where appropriate. ray@ and marius@ may
>> have a better idea about how to handle this.
>> Thanks for your interest and development work with this! I'll be back
>> on track in a couple of weeks and we can integrate all this stuff
>> back into -HEAD.
>> Adrian
Alexandr Rybalko <ray at>
aka Alex RAY <ray at>
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