TP-WR1043: trying NFS root

Oleksandr Tymoshenko gonzo at
Mon Nov 28 07:18:14 UTC 2011

> O> > Adjusted interface arge0
> O> > in_scrubprefix: err=51, prefix delete failed
> O> 
> O> Same here. I tracked it down to r227791. Prior to this revision NFS root works fine. 
> Stefan, Oleksandr,
> which revisions have you tried? Revisions between r227791 and r227958 are already
> known to have problems. Can you please clarify that you have tried revision r227958
> or higher?

My source tree is r227960. I do not see "can't allocate llinfo" messages, just "in_scrubprefix: err=51, prefix delete failed"

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