Does somebody work on NanoBSD?

Olivier Cochard-Labbé olivier at
Mon Apr 11 09:08:05 UTC 2011

2011/4/11 Lev Serebryakov <lev at>:
> Hello, Olivier.
> You wrote 11 апреля 2011 г., 11:51:09:

>  (1) Copied out "upgrade" image has always ${NANO_LABEL}s1 label, and
> needs manual mdconfig+tunefs before dumping on second code partition
>  (2) updatep2 script uses sed 's/${NANO_DRIVE}s1/${NANO_DRIVE}s2/'
> script, and if NANO_LABLE is in use (which sets NANO_DRIVE to
> "ufs/labels1") sed complains.

OK, I didn't see this problem because I'm using my own upgrade script
(I've merged update1 and update2 in one script):

You could try to adapt it to your needs.



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