Interfacing FreeBSD with U-Boot

M. Warner Losh imp at
Tue Jan 15 09:08:32 PST 2008

In message: <478CD60B.7040901 at>
            Rafal Jaworowski <raj at> writes:
: Hi,
: The topic of integrating FreeBSD with U-Boot has already been discussed here,
: so I'd like to let people know that the following code has recently been
: integrated with main line U-Boot:
: This brings a machine and arch independent API which allows to utilise U-Boot
: facilities (console, storage, networking) in standalone applications; the
: interface was developed in order to have embedded FreeBSD/powerpc running on
: U-Boot-based devices in native and uniform manner: loader(8) runs as a
: standalone application on top of U-Boot and kicks off the kernel as expected.
: Initial code for loader(8) + gluing with this new API is available on the P4
: e500 branch, and was tested with Freescale MPC85xx PowerPC systems. It mostly
: comprises a generic lib, with only a tiny and well defined piece dependent on
: the machine so that other embedded architectures (ARM, MIPS) can use it with
: minimal effort.

This is great news.  I'll see about getting the necessary bits for the
arm and mips stuff I'm working on in shape.

I'm curious about one thing.  What would happen if one were to boot
the kernel directly on an unmodified uboot system?


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