IWN Review

Cedric GROSS cg at cgross.info
Sat Jul 20 14:18:19 UTC 2013

Hello dear all,


I'm please to announce that I completed my work on IWN.


My version available here https://github.com/KreizIT/FreeBSD-IWN include
improvement issued by seanbruno (https://github.com/seanbruno/freebsd-iwl)
but also mine to support centrino N 2230 NIC (it's my NIC)


I set up a new parameters system which more sensitive. I port back all NIC
parameters to this new system. I hope that I haven't do some mistake.

So I'll be really please if Intel's NIC owner could check my work and let me


By the way, if commiters would include my work, please do.





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