mps and Dell PERC H200

Attila Bogár attila.bogar at
Tue Feb 15 17:25:41 UTC 2011

Dear list,

On a Dell R515 with a Dell PERC H200 Integrated we have 14 disks in JBOD 
behind the SAS expander.
This card has a LSI SAS 2008 chip and is handled by the mps driver from 

Unfortunately the mps picks up only 8 disks out of the 14.
The Linux mpt2sas driver picks up all 14 drives.

If I replace the H200 with an LSI MegaRAID SAS 9240-8i, then all 14 
drives can be seen by the mfi driver from LSI's site.
I'm experimenting with 8.2-RC3 + mps module from HEAD.

I've already contacted Scott Long, but I haven't got a reply yet.

I enabled mps debug information and added a few lines of extra debug info.

The trace is available at

Try grep-in' for these words: EXTRA or Failure or Found
The EXTRA lines have been added by me.

I can see in the trace that probe succeeds on handles 0x000a .. 0x0012, 
but fails on the others.
I've already tried to ignoring probes in this range by inserting an "if" 
clause to the code to see if this is a controller overrun problem, but 
the result is the same: no drives can be found on the other handles.

The error code 0x0022 corresponds to 

I can't see, that MPI2_IOCSTATUS_BUSY is handled during the probe phase.
I've checked mpt2sas in Linux.  That driver is marking the drive state 
with a SCSI BUSY flag (and maybe retrying later?)...

What can be the problem?
Any hints how to proceed?


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