Apple Touchpad driver for Macbook

Rohit Grover rgrover1 at
Sun Sep 20 11:05:56 UTC 2009

Hello Everybody,

I have developed a driver for the Touchpad device on Apple Macbooks.
Mine is a Macbook 3,1, and I run FreeBSD7.2 on it--so testing has so
far been limited to this configuration. In its present state, the
driver supports multi-tap, edge detection, and movement smoothening.

You may get the driver from git://
Instructions for installing and using the driver may be obtained from:

I have put in significant work in the area of movement smoothening,
and in setting up an infrastructure for tracking individual finger
strokes (which may later be evolved into gesture detection). There may
be potential for this code to form the basis for a generic touchpad

I have been using this driver for a few weeks now. It is stable.
Please help me test this driver for a wider range of Apple hardware.
I will also be porting this code to 8-CURRENT once I get that to boot
on my MacBook.

I would like to see this driver committed to FreeBSD. I request the
committers to please guide me in this process.


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