[Review request]: Attansic L2 ethernet driver

Stanislav Sedov stas at FreeBSD.org
Thu Sep 18 21:06:55 UTC 2008

On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 14:56:55 -0400
John Baldwin <jhb at freebsd.org> mentioned:

> A few style notes:
> - return (FILTER_STRAY) (missing ()'s)
> - Extra indentation for one of the TASK_INIT()'s
> - Are you using 4 space indent or 8 space indent?

Pyun YongHyeon also gave a lot of comments on code,
so I'm working on fixing these.

My indentation is standard one: one tab for 1st level
indents, and four spaces for second.

Stanislav Sedov
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