Basic Driver Development Questions.

Joe Pellegrino jdp at
Mon Nov 3 16:30:43 PST 2008

I am trying to develop a small kernel module and I wanted to ask some 
questions about implementation. First, there is a component of Linux, 
called netlink, which permits IPC communication between a userspace app 
and kernel module using sockets. Is there a FreeBSD equivalent? I know you 
can do this with IOCTL and perhaps through proc but I would prefer using a 
technique similar to netlink.

Toward that I am looking at netgraph (ng_socket) but have run into some 
trouble mostly related to inexperience with netgraph. So basically:

1. Is there something similar to netlink?

2. Would that be NetGraph?

3. If not what is it?

I do have further questions depending on how these are answered. Thanks 
for your help. :)


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