New driver writer

Rick Hunnicutt rk_hunnicutt at
Fri Apr 11 03:15:25 UTC 2008

----- Original Message ---- 
From: John Baldwin <jhb at> 
Subject: Re: New driver writer 

> On Tuesday 08 April 2008 03:29:07 pm Rick Hunnicutt wrote: 
> > Hello all, 
> >
>> I'm writing a BSD PCI character driver and have many questions. I have the 
architecture handbook and it answers some questions but leaves much 
unaddressed. For example, the parameters on the open/close/read/write calls 
don't seems to be address. Am I expected to dig around the code base to 
decipher their purpose or have I missed a vital area of documentation? 

>> Thank you for your help. 

> Yeah, you'll have to dig for now. :( The way you normally do cdev's though is 
> something like this: 

Thanks John. I'm mucking my way around pretty well now.  I noticed the drivers in the kernel directory have symbol files. When I build my driver, it is striped and no symbol file is gerneated. Is ther a trick to do this? 

Also, kgdb in the the 7.0 release doesn't seem to support add-kld... Is there an easy way to upgrade this?


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