Generic int 13h driver

Die Gestalt die.gestalt at
Sun Jun 24 09:54:55 UTC 2007

That's a good point but the driver is actually a .ko that uses documented
kernel interfaces (well it's not because it's documented that it will never
change but you see my point). Well, there may be two not-so-documented calls
but that's all. Mmm yeah and I assume some stuff about the VM86. Ok let's
pretend I haven't said anything. ;)

At the very least I hope to present the work at some *BSDCon. That's not as
great as giving the source code but it's better than nothing for my
overinflated ego.... ^^

On 6/24/07, Constantine A. Murenin <mureninc at> wrote:
> On 23/06/07, Die Gestalt <die.gestalt at> wrote:
> > Unlikely in the short term. I made this driver for my employer, I think
> > there might be reluctance about releasing it to the public. On one hand
> this
> > would most likely increase the quality of the code, on the other hand
> this
> > might hurt us in helping competition. I know this would be cool since
> there
> > are people out there who would like this feature.
> Keep in mind that not giving the code away to FreeBSD might make
> future merging of the code more difficult for your employer, hence
> once more reason for you to release the code. :)
> Cheers,
> Constantine.

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