FreeBSD 6.2 on SPARC64/x86 with Promise IDE Controller

Joao Barros joao.barros at
Mon Apr 9 11:36:29 UTC 2007

I think nullpt sent you off track when he told you to try freebsd-performance.
I believe this is an issue for drivers and/or sparc (or maybe current)

I think I have a TX2 too. I can try it on my Ultra 5 if more testing
is required.

PS: I'm cc'ing Søren Schmidt, he's the maintainer of most of the ata drivers

On 4/6/07, Danny Knaggs <knaggsy2000 at> wrote:
> Hello all!
> This is first time I've used a mailing list, so bear with me!
> I've been asked to submit my findings of the ata driver in FreeBSD 6.2
> on my sparc64 and x86 box from
> Link to my thread:
> I've just installed a Promise IDE Controller card (Ultra 133 TX2 -
> PDC20269) in my Sun Ultra 10 and have come across a slight snag.
> If I don't put in "hw.ata.ata_dma=0" in the loader options I get DMA
> timeout errors after it has queried the HDD on the Promise controller.
> I have found a link which someone else has a similar problem (NetBSD on
> Alpha) which maybe useful:
> Now, after BSD has loaded I can successfully change the DMA mode to
> UDMA66 on the HDD without any problems (get ~30MB/s transfer rate,
> compared to ~15MB/s when using the on-board controller using "dd"). Any
> higher and I get DMA timeout messages.
> The HDD works fine when it's attached to the on-board controller.
> Now, I thought I try the same Promise IDE card in x86 box with FreeBSD
> 6.2 and found something interesting...
> The HDD will not operate correctly at UDMA133 - it performs very slowly
> (<15Mb/s).
> Forcing the HDD to run at UDMA100 gives me 64Mb/s transfer. Which is
> roughly what I expect.
> So, it seems something is broken with the ATA driver - Sparc/Alpha
> getting the worse of it!
> If anyone has ideas/brainwaves/etc - I'm willing to give it a whirl!
> Thanks in advance.
> Dan.
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Joao Barros

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