cat problems for firmware upgrade

John Baldwin jhb at
Wed Jan 25 06:56:10 PST 2006

On Wednesday 25 January 2006 05:04, Aivaras Kondrotas wrote:
> Can anybody explain me if cat command is different in
> Freebsd than in other linux/unix/bsd os'es, because
> this problem appear just in Freebsd.
> I am running a FreeBSD 6.0. To get working my printer
> I have to upgrade my firmware, but
> I get problem "cat: stdout: Input/output error".
> Searched for days in google, but it appears that all
> results leads to just Freebsd OS.
> Do I have to switch OS just to make my printer work?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> #dmesg | grep ulpt
> ulpt0: Hewlett-Packard hp LaserJet 1000, rev
> 1.10/1.20, addr 2, iclass 7/1
> ulpt0: using bi-directional mode
> # cat SIhp1000.dl > /dev/ulpt0
> cat: stdout: Input/output error

The issue is probably with the ulpt(4) driver rather than with cat(1).  You 
are probably better off asking this question on stable@ or questions@ 
however.  This list is for questions about writing device drivers.

John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =

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