Apparent documentation error

John Ekins jrekins at
Fri Mar 12 13:37:51 UTC 2021


One of the ‘xrandr’ commands on page seems to be incorrect:

	xrandr --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60

xrandr requires an —output switch:

What I see on FreeBSD 13RC1 is:

[jre at bsd13:13:25:07:~] (244) $ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 64 x 64, current 800 x 600, maximum 32766 x 32766
VGA-0 connected primary 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   2560x1440     60.00 +  60.00
   2560x1600     60.00
   2048x1536     60.00
   1920x1600     60.00
   1920x1080     60.00
   1600x1200     60.00
   1680x1050     60.00
   1400x1050     60.00
   1280x1024     60.00
   1024x768      60.00
   800x600       60.00*
   640x480       60.00

[jre at bsd13:13:25:54:~] (245) $ xrandr --mode 2560x1440 --rate 60
xrandr: --mode must be used after --output
Try 'xrandr --help' for more information.

[jre at bsd13:13:26:03:~] (246) $ xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 2560x1440 --rate 60

[jre at bsd13:13:26:42:~] (248) $ xrandr --version
xrandr program version       1.5.1
Server reports RandR version 1.6


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