Updating old documents about virtualization

추민수 minsoochoo0122 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 04:17:55 UTC 2020

I started using FreeBSD a few months ago, and I use VirtualBox. I read
https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/virtualization.html, and now, I found
out that this document is too old and it needs updates.

1. The name Parallels for Mac OS X is not correct, the official name is
'Parallels Desktop for Mac'.
2. Virtual PC is discontinued 9 years ago, and supports Windows 7.  All
support for Windows 7 is stopped from January 2020, so I think we don't
need that documentation page. Hyper-V is the successor of Virtual PC, but
it does not support FreeBSD.
3. There should be VMWare Workstation, not just for macOS because
Workstation is for Windows and Linux. Also, after FreeBSD is installed on
VMWarer as a guest OS, the user should install open-vm-tools or
4. There should be a note for VirtualBox that guest addition for FreeBSD is
discontinued from 6.x.

This is my first report about Virtualization documents. There are few more
problems, but I have to review it and find a solution for now.

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