Bad example 17.1 in the 'File System Backups' section of the Handbook (17.8.1)

Donald Wilde dwilde1 at
Wed Jun 17 05:28:25 UTC 2020

On 6/16/20, Donald Wilde <dwilde1 at> wrote:
> Example 17.1. Using dump over ssh
> # /sbin/dump -0uan -f - /usr | gzip -2 | ssh -c blowfish \
>           targetuser at dd
> of=/mybigfiles/dump-usr-l0.gz
> Problems seen in my circumstances (small system, single HDD):
> 1) dump(8) only accepts [filesystem] options as listed in /etc/fstab.
> Unless you have a separate fs entry for /usr, the only choice you have
> is /
> 2) stock openssh does not appear to come with the blowfish cypher. The
> default is something called chacha20-poly1305 at, which seems
> rather scary.
> 3) My Ubuntu 18.04.4 'safe' machine would not accept aes256-cdc, only
> *-ctr cypher types and this 'chacha-poly1305' cipher.
> 4) I had to create the stash directory in my ftp user's home directory
> and touch the actual file name before it would store my dump results.

Wrong. I had to create the directory, but touch'ing the file made it
stall after creating the worker threads.
Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *

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