Possible new documentation for handbook: multiple IPSec VPN tunnels on 1 FreeBSD host

lars.wittebrood at bt.com lars.wittebrood at bt.com
Tue Nov 19 07:41:24 UTC 2019

Hello FreeBSD Doc,

I had a requirement to implement multiple IPSec VPN tunnels from 1 FreeBSD host. I managed to get this working and this is in production now. I've documented it on my blog: https://blog.socruel.nu/text-only/how-to-multiple-ipsec-vpn-tunnels-on-freebsd.txt. I saw that this specific case is not documented in the FreeBSD Handbook. The Handbook only describes 1 tunnel between 2 FreeBSD hosts. So maybe my documentation is worth adding to the handbook? Either in this form or in another form? I am happy to change it in a shape worth adding to the handbook!

Thank you in advance for looking into this!

With kind regards,
Lars Wittebrood

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