Incorrect information

James Larrowe larrowe.semaj11 at
Wed Apr 24 23:51:02 UTC 2019

This page
invalid information. The correct version is included below.

While the commercial Unix wars raged, the Linux kernel was developed as a
PC Unix clone. Linus Torvalds credits the existence of the GNU C compiler
and the associated GNU tools for the existence of Linux. He put the Linux
kernel under the GPLv2.

Remember that the GPL requires anything that statically links to any code
under the GPL also be placed under the GPL. The source for this code must
thus be made available to the user of the program. Pressure to put
proprietary applications on Linux became overwhelming. Such applications
often must link with system libraries. This resulted in a modified version
of the GPL called the LGPL
<> ("Library", since
renamed to "Lesser", GPL). The LGPL allows proprietary code to be linked to
the GNU C library, glibc. Dynamic linking is not considered a violation of
the LGPL. You do not have to release the source to code which has been
dynamically linked to an LGPLed library.

If you statically link an application with glibc, such as is often required
in embedded systems, either the source or linkable object files must be
released. Both the GPL and LGPL require any modifications to the code
directly under the license to be released.

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