Review of a handbook patch

Benjamin Kaduk bjk at
Fri Jul 27 00:26:59 UTC 2018

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 08:43:17PM +0200, Rocky Hotas wrote:
> Hi!
> This is about the review:
> (patch to LDAP section of the FreeBSD Handbook)
> I wrote the text as a newbie, enthusiast user who tried to install an
> OpenLDAP server, found some difficulties, and wanted to contribute.
> The style was naive and needed several corrections, that has been made
> for about the first half, now waiting for a feedback. I don't know
> anyone and lack some basic information. In order to avoid further
> errors, I would like to ask, about the review process itself:
> - Should the configuration presented in the text be tested by someone
> other than me?

That's not necessarily a requirement.  If it works for you and looks
reasonable, we don't need to hold up getting the documentation in (we can
always change it later if there's a bug report).

> - The role of the reviewer is only to notice the possible errors in the
> style or markup, or can a dialogue/discussion take place?

A discussion can definitely take place.  Some reviewers (e.g., me) may be
very busy and not effectively participate in such a dialogue, though,

> - Till now, the linked text has been read by several developers, each of
> them finding some flaw, but not knowing the "history" of the issues and
> their evolution. Is this normal? How does the review process usually get
> coordination?

It is not uncommon to have different reviewers come in and be unaware of
the whole history.  Ideally a change would not be sitting around
uncommitted as long as this one has, but sometimes it happens.

It's sometimes easiest if there can be a single dedicated reviewer who
follows the change over time, participates in a dialogue, etc., but I don't
have any great tips for picking up such a reviewer.

> If someone could give some hint, I would be very grateful.

Hopefully this helps.  Thank you for submitting the patch and updating it
so much, and I'm sorry I can't help more right now.


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