translations [was: Re: The Italian translation has not been updated since 2008]

Mark Linimon linimon at
Fri Aug 10 21:37:00 UTC 2018

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 11:22:45AM -0400, Guangyuan Yang wrote:
> Books and articles take huge amount of time and attention to details.
> I cannot achieve this myself, and in my previous experience, we
> definitely need some web service setting up for casual translators

I know that the translation projects are a thankless task.

What I'd like to discuss is where our efforts should go.  I would
suggest we prioritize things that work as introductions for those new
to FreeBSD:


and then possibly


IMHO the internal project documentation should not be a priority.  The
translations will most likely stay out of date, as they are now.

Nor, do I think some of the very technical articles/books should be, for
the very same reason.

I think the above should be reasonable goals.  What do other people think?

[A separate topic would be about getting rid of antiquated documentation that
is in English :-) e.g. pmake.  I'll raise that elsewhere.]


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