The Italian translation has not been updated since 2008
Guido Falsi
madpilot at
Fri Aug 10 08:37:49 UTC 2018
On 8/9/18 9:55 AM, Benedict Reuschling wrote:
> Am 09.08.18 um 09:43 schrieb Alex Dupre:
>> Guido Falsi wrote:
>>> Being Italian and being a committer I could try to help in this regard.
>>> Being just one person I'd make slow progress, but it's better than no
>>> progress at all!
>> The translation project was done by the GUFI and lead by me in the past,
>> but it's really a huge work and the enthusiasm and time lowered to zero
>> in the last years. I don't think that a single person can do much, but
>> you are welcome.
>>> What requirements are there to help updating translations? Is there a
>>> translator's guide?
> And more specificially, the PO translation chapter:
> It would be great to see Italian translations coming back. Let us know
> if you need help.
I've just started experimenting with the tools. I'm getting an error
message when trying to build the documentation (both with the Italian
translation and the English original, error message added at the end of
this message). I was following the quick start documentation maybe I'm
missing something.
Apart from that, I wanted to create a page on to start
coordinating things and give interested people some place to start from.
Looks like we will also need some central repository for partial work to
be shared for collaboration and review. Would you agree that forking
freebsd-doc repo on github and creating a branch from a random revision
(to get a stable target to start with) would be the easiest way to get
started without needing further infrastructure?
As far as I have understood documentation the suggested way to start
translating is to generate the po file and translate with poedit, am I
Sorry for the maybe obvious questions, I'm trying to leverage existing
blank page!!
/usr/local/bin/perl /usr/home/mad/chkout/FreeBSD/doc/share/misc/epsgeom
-offset 100 100
| /usr/local/bin/gs -q -dBATCH -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4
-dEPSCrop -r100x100 -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pnm -sOutputFile=-
/usr/home/mad/chkout/FreeBSD/doc/share/misc/epsgeom -geom 100 100
- | /usr/local/bin/pnmtopng >
Error: no BoundingBox found:
Error: no BoundingBox found:
pnmtopng: bad magic number 0x2d67 - not a PPM, PGM, PBM, or PAM file
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in
Guido Falsi <madpilot at>
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