Suggestions for the handbook

Gilles Kirouac g1201 at
Tue Oct 10 03:59:11 UTC 2017

In the FreeBSD(sic!) glossary of Revision: 51016, I find CPU, debugger,
which are surely familiar to all readers.

But I do not see the real FreeBSD jargon: base system, userland, world,
ports. Adding them would help.

I spent really too much time trying to have a clear view of those.

BTW, I am not alone:


I am currently learning about jails. I would appreciate improvements to
Para 14.6.2.

(1) To Populate the Jail with FreeBSD-RELEASE
(2) To Populate the Jail with  installworld

In that context, what is FreeBSD-RELEASE ? What is installworld?

Does it mean that if I have built everything from source (base+ports),
then I should or could use (2) and in other cases (1)?

Clear to you?


I may have more suggestions if I succeed with my ezjail test.

~ Gilles Kirouac, Québec, Qc

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