Minor correction for section 7.5 (KVM Memory Mapping)?

Andrew Duane aduane at juniper.net
Thu Dec 28 13:46:31 UTC 2017

Reading through this section, I think I've noticed a minor mistake:

Unlike Linux, FreeBSD does not map all of physical memory into KVM. This means that FreeBSD can handle memory configurations up to 4G on 32 bit platforms. In fact, if the mmu were capable of it, FreeBSD could theoretically handle memory configurations up to 8TB on a 32 bit platform. However, since most 32 bit platforms are only capable of mapping 4GB of ram, this is a moot point.

Shouldn't the "up to" in the second sentence be "greater than"? Using "up to" seems to contradict the rest of the paragraph..


Andrew L. Duane - Principal Resident Engineer
AT&T Advanced Services Technical Lead
Juniper Quality Ambassador<https://core.juniper.net/qms/culture-of-quality/quality_ambassador/index.page>

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aduane at juniper.net<mailto:aduane at juniper.net>

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