VoIP Users

Victor Martin victor at thoughtmails.com
Fri Apr 28 21:05:05 UTC 2017


Just a quick note to check, if you would be interested in reaching out 
*VoIP Users List*?

We have recently released a verified contact database of *AT&T 
CallVantage, Mitel, Avaya/Nortel, Spirit DSP,  Amtel, Cisco, Dell, 
Juniper Networks, Blackberry, Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure, Cloud 
computing, NoSQL, Hadoop, MapReduce, ElasticSearch, Cloudera, Cisco 
Systems, NetApp, VMware, IronPort, HP, Juniper, IBM, Microsoft,  Apache 
Hadoop, Red Hat, Citrix, Symantec, Oracle, Big Data, Hortonworks, 
Teradata, Pivotal and more..*

All these contacts are comes with Company Name, Website, Contact Name, 
Job Title, Mailing Address and E-mail Addresses, Technology Type, Phone 
Number and FAX Number.

We provide accurate Technology Lists based on your requirement. You may 
segregate the lists based on the type of ERP, CRM, DB, Storage 
software’s or Target titles, Geography etc..

Let Us know your Interest!

Best Regards,
*Victor Martin*
Online Marketing Manager

*Other Industries :-* Health Care, Technology, Transportation, 
Manufacturing, Finance, Insurance, Food & Beverage, Hospitality, 
Construction, Publishing and Printing, Pharmaceutical, Semiconductors, 
Security Etc.

We respect your privacy, if you do not wish to receive any further 
emails from our end, please reply with a subject “Leave Out”.

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