Checking FreeBSD kernel with static analyzer

Svyatoslav Razmyslov razmyslov at
Wed Feb 17 15:15:24 UTC 2016

Hi, Warren.

We've published the article on our site, here is the message from our PR:

Analysis of FreeBSD kernel by PVS-Studio.
The development team of PVS-Studio static code analyzer checked FreeBSD 
OS kernel and published an article <link here>, describing the most 
suspicious fragments.


10.02.2016 19:55, Warren Block пишет:
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, Svyatoslav Razmyslov wrote:
>> The analysis report (filtered for most interesting messages) is 
>> attached, you can use it without any restrictions. To use the report, 
>> please append the beginning of the paths to files with the path to a 
>> directory containing kernel sources (replace |?| in case of csv).
>> Our article itself will be ready approximately in a week, we well 
>> appreciate if you could post about it in a news section on 
> Please notify me or the freebsd-doc mailing list when the article is 
> ready.
> Thanks!

Svyatoslav Razmyslov
"Program Verification Systems" (Co Ltd)

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