Spanish Translation of the FAQ

Federico Caminiti demian.fc at
Mon Feb 1 02:14:49 UTC 2016


I've finally gotten arround to create a spanish translation of the FAQ.
There are two things I'd like to point out, though.

1) A few terms/phrases were not so easy to translate me. When in doubt, I
tried to remain consistent with my previous translations of the Leap
Seconds and NanoBSD articles. This is a list of the translations that were
a bit of a problem and what I translated them to.

- source tree -> arbol de codigo fuente
- release engineering -> ingenieria de lanzamientos
- testers -> testers
- bleeding-edge -> bleeding-edge
- handbook -> manual
- strings attached -> restricciones
- bug / bug fix -> error / corrección de errores
- production quality -> calidad de producción
- tunable -> variable
- resource locks -> primitivas de sincronización
- mirror  (left untranslated)
- unstripped kernel  (left untranslated)

2) Some phrases feature wordplays that are impossible to translate into
spanish. I translated them anyway, but the result can be confusing IMHO.
Examples are:

- How cool is FreeBSD? -> Translated as "¿Que tan frío es FreeBSD?" (In
spanish we don't have a distinction between cool as in "not warm" and cool
as in "awesome").

- Why is it called FreeBSD? -> I believe this can create confussion because
we have two separate terms. Free as in "free beer" translates to "gratis"
and free as in "free speech" translates to "libre".

I don't know if it is possible to add a small note to the translation to
clarify the wordplay, but I think it would help matters.

The current translation diff can be seen at: .


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