Man page chapters link to #end

Ed Schouten ed at
Tue Aug 2 06:05:38 UTC 2016

Hi there,

I was just taking a look at a man page through the FreeBSD web site:

What I noticed is that the chapters of the man page are all anchors.
>From the HTML:

<a name="YAML_TAGS" href="#end"><b>YAML TAGS</b></a>

It's nice that they all have a name attribute. Question: would it make
sense to let the href point to the #name as well, instead of linking
them all to #end? That way you can click on a chapter name to obtain a
link that you can share with others.

Ed Schouten <ed at>
Nuxi, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
KvK-nr.: 62051717

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