"Filesystem" versus "file system"

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Fri Apr 15 01:12:42 UTC 2016

The FDP Primer word list shows only "file system", but does not give any 
context for the usage of that term.

This is a mistake, and it's time to fix it.  We can fix it with a 
compound word, by combining two words into a single word with a more 
specific meaning.

As an example, consider the word "keyboard".  A keyboard is a specific 
thing.  A "key board" could be a number of things, including a wooden 
board with nails for hanging keys.

Likewise, "file system" could mean several things, including a file 
hierarchy or some other system of files.

"Filesystem" is a compound word, a single noun, referring to the 
arrangement of bytes and inodes and clusters and fragments that form a 
place to store files.  This is almost always what we mean in a computer 

I have talked about this in the past, too:

It's not getting any better.  People are still not sure what to use.

For now, I only plan to change the word list, making it "filesystem" and 
adding a description for context.  Uses of the two-word form can be 
changed when encountered.

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