Small suggestion/question about The Handbook (Sec 2.3.1)

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Sun Apr 3 01:10:51 UTC 2016

In message <alpine.BSF.2.20.1603312259520.97764 at>, 
Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:

>The short version:
>   Normal images are used to install FreeBSD on a BIOS computer or a
>   computer with UEFI "CSM" enabled.
>   Installing in UEFI mode requires a uefi image.
>That's not hard to include, but will it help the user to decide which 
>image to download?

Answer:  A little.

As I've already admitted, most of this UEFI stuff is rather entirely
opaque to me... undoubtedly because I haven't invested the time
necessary to scour online documents enough to understand it.  Not
even marginally.  (That's my fault, so mea cupla.)  However given that
that FreeBSD Release Engineering folks are routinely going to all
the trouble to create these full alternate sets of install images,
it seems to me that it would be reasonable to invest at least a
small additional amount of effort to describe for us end lusers
the circumstances under which one of these alternate images would
be either necessary or useful.  Right now, there's nothing.  No
hints whatsoever.


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