update needed on FreeBSD wiki: BeagleBone Black HDMI support

Mike Brown mike at skew.org
Mon Sep 14 16:27:18 UTC 2015

Someone needs to update https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/BeagleBoneBlack
to move "HDMI output / framebuffer" from the "What still needs to be done"
section to the "What works" section. Also strike out the first item in the 
Known Issues section and add "Fixed in r284534" (or maybe r285868...see the 
link below)

This is according to http://kernelnomicon.org/?p=495#comments

...I don't know if it is only in 11-CURRENT or if it has also been
incorporated into 10-STABLE...that would be good to know.

Also at the bottom of the page the mention of 10.2-RELEASE needs to be 

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