Programadores web . Drupal . Zend framework. YII .

ola at ola at
Mon May 4 15:39:35 UTC 2015

Good day,
Apologies for the impersonal nature of this email.
Are you interested in hiring a php, drupal 6/7 or zend framework 
developers for your internet project?
If you would need freelance developers please refer to my 
linkedin profile for more information on my experience and work.
You can also take a look at my website here
Hourly rates are very competitive with relation to years of 
Best regards.


    Operating systems : Linux (ubuntu, fedora, centos, redhat).
    Languages & standards : PHP, Mysql,(x)HTML, CSS, XML, 
    Content management systems : Drupal 6/7(pro).
	Frameworks : Zend framework, YII, Symfony.
    Webservers : Apache, vanish.
    CI: Gerrit Git with Jenkins CI Server, Hudson, bamboo with 
    Web Api's :  Facebook api, Linkedin, google data, Twitter api 
, ...
    Webservices: curl, soap, xmlrpc, rest, ...
    Performance: memcached, varnish...
    Software versioning: Subversion, CVS, Git
    Analysis: Xdebug.
    Other software and services:  Apache solr, Eclipse, 
Netbeans,Virtualbox, Photoshop, Google analytics, Google adsense, 
other Google apps, Plesk ...

Ola ajayi
ola at

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