Wrong command in the FreeBSD wiki page about cross compiling

Raven Iqqe raviqqe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 06:23:50 UTC 2015

Hi, all.

The command in FreeBSD wiki page, "A_Brief_Guide_To_Cross_Compiling_FreeBSD"
seems to be wrong.
In the "Build World" section of the "Building and Installing World" 
part, it says;

% make buildworld TARGET=arm TARGET_ARCH=armeb 

But, for some reason, setting MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX as a command line 
argument should not
be done as that is described in man page build(7). The correct one is below;

% MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/home/bob/obj make buildworld TARGET=arm 

or exporting it as a persistent environment variable,

% export MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/home/bob/obj
% make buildworld TARGET=arm TARGET_ARCH=armeb

This problem of failing cross compiling is reported a few times.

I encountered the same problem as the last one.
I don't know why the original author wrote such a command and if it 
works in some particular
environment or not.
My uname -a is below;
FreeBSD blahblahblahof.blahblah 10.1-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p6 #0:
Tue Feb 24 18:57:59 UTC 2015
root at amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386

raviqqe (raviqqe at gmail.com)

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