ports referenced in handbook but removed...
Dru Lavigne
dru.lavigne at att.net
Sun Jul 26 10:46:35 UTC 2015
Any disagreements or enhancement suggestions for the attached patch? Once approved, I'll mark it for commital after August 1 (the EOL for 8.x).
On Fri, 7/24/15, John-Mark Gurney <jmg at funkthat.com> wrote:
Subject: ports referenced in handbook but removed...
To: freebsd-doc at freeBSD.org
Cc: freebsd-ports at freeBSD.org
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015, 12:10 AM
I was looking at the handbook for
localization items to answer a
question and came across:
big5con does not exist anymore
zhcon does not exist anymore
kon2's link is wrong, the port exists, but w/o a pkg-descr
kon2-14dot's link is wrong, the port exists, but w/o a
It'd be nice if someone updated our documentation.
John-Mark Gurney
Voice: +1 415 225
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All that I have, has not."
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