Spanish documentation translations

Eitan Adler lists at
Tue Apr 14 07:12:24 UTC 2015


On 12 April 2015 at 10:00, Federico Caminiti <demian.fc at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a patch [1] that fixes some problems whith the spanish version of the
> FAQ. For the most part, the patch just adds opening question marks on those
> sentences that start with a question. I subscribed to the spanish mailing
> list ( doc at )  about a year and a half ago and sent them an
> email,  but I haven't got a reply since and the list seems to be inactive
> since 2010.
> The spanish documentation in general seems to be in dire straits. For
> starters,  the spanish version of the handbook covers FreeBSD 4, 5 and 6
> (when all three versions EOLed  a long time ago), and the FAQ is even more
> outdated, dealing with FreeBSD 2.0.
> I would love to fix those problems (and sync the spanish documentation with
> the english version) but I don't know where or how to send the patches (I
> uploaded my first patch to bugzilla about a week ago, but no one stepped up
> to review it yet so I'm not sure it is the right place).
> I would appreciate it if anyone could give me some pointers.

I don't speak Spanish and so can not directly help with this question,
but IMHO Federico deserves an answer here.

Who is the right person to help Federico get his patches and translations in?

Eitan Adler

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