Ports search issue

Can0r can0r at yandex.ru
Tue Sep 23 19:04:26 UTC 2014

The thing is that such query

$ make -C /usr/ports search name=php5

provides the full content of ports directory by string 'php5', while this one


doesn't show any of main php5 language ports in 'lang' category. Not a single one!

Isn't there anyone in FBSD community, who knows perl well enough to find out what's up?

23.09.2014, 18:44, "Lowell Gilbert" <freebsd-lists at be-well.ilk.org>:
> Can0r <can0r at yandex.ru> writes:
>>  There is a strange issue with search engine in ports collection.
>>  When I type 'php55', it finds just 3 ports:
>>  http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi?query=php55&stype=all&sektion=all
>>  However there are lots of ports with this query in their names - all
>>  php55 extensions and php55 itself are not displayed in results.
>>  It is really uncomfortable to use search in this way.
>>  Is there any solution for this issue?
> Hmm. Interesting. I don't understand perl well enough to figure out
> exactly how that search is implemented, but if you select "Package Name"
> from pull-down menu to the right of the text field where you entered
> "php5", you get this:
>   https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi?query=php5&stype=name
> This seems to be the same output you would get from
>   $ make -C /usr/ports search name=php5
> (although it's in a different order, so I'm not completely sure).
> If you want to search on package name, specify it explicitly.
> As far as fixing the default search (or at least figuring out what it's
> supposed to do): somebody who reads perl better than me want to take a
> look at it?

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