This may help freebsd.doc?

velocidade da luz assembler914 at
Tue Mar 18 17:01:34 UTC 2014

Using Google Translate, I am active on several nationality-specific platforms, includingthe Dutch, Spanish, Brazilian, French and Russian Ubuntu forums, as well as the Italian and internationalOpenMandriva forums, where my username is assembler;the German Ubuntu forum, where my username is assembleur;the Spanish FreeBSD mailing list, where I'm known as Jorge Luis Carvalho Santos;FUG-BR (the Brazilian chapter of the FreeBSD Users' Group).A user of the German Ubuntu forum told me that my writing style is the style he wanted to have and that my style is easily translated by Google in all other languages ​. My native language is (Brazilian) Portuguese. My working method is to copy and paste the text I want to translate into Google Translate:
This may help freebsd.doc?If not, what I should  learn to help freebsd.doc?

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