[Bug 192251] New: Several section 9 manpages incorrectly reference evh not evhand when describing struct moduledata_t

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Tue Jul 29 19:53:14 UTC 2014


            Bug ID: 192251
           Summary: Several section 9 manpages incorrectly reference evh
                    not evhand when describing struct moduledata_t
           Product: Documentation
           Version: Latest
          Hardware: Any
                OS: Any
            Status: Needs Triage
          Severity: Affects Some People
          Priority: ---
         Component: Documentation
          Assignee: freebsd-doc at FreeBSD.org
          Reporter: yaneurabeya at gmail.com

A number of manpages reference the evh member of moduledata_t, but the field in
the structure has been evhand since its initial introduction in r25537 (see
). The references should be fixed to state evhand so that the structure could
be initialized in a C99+ way with the right parameters.

$ grep -r evh /usr/src/share/man/ | sed -e 's,/usr/src/share/man/,,'
man9/DEV_MODULE.9:.Fn DEV_MODULE "name" "modeventhand_t evh" "void *arg"
man9/DEV_MODULE.9:.Fa evh
man9/DRIVER_MODULE.9:.Fn DRIVER_MODULE name busname "driver_t driver"
"devclass_t devclass" "modeventhand_t evh" "void *arg"
man9/DRIVER_MODULE.9:.Fn DRIVER_MODULE_ORDERED name busname "driver_t driver"
"devclass_t devclass" "modeventhand_t evh" "void *arg" "int order"
man9/DRIVER_MODULE.9:.Fn EARLY_DRIVER_MODULE name busname "driver_t driver"
"devclass_t devclass" "modeventhand_t evh" "void *arg" "enum sysinit_elem_order
order" "int pass"
man9/DRIVER_MODULE.9:.Fn EARLY_DRIVER_MODULE_ORDERED name busname "driver_t
driver" "devclass_t devclass" "modeventhand_t evh" "void *arg" "enum
sysinit_elem_order order" "int pass"
man9/DRIVER_MODULE.9:.Fa evh
man9/SYSCALL_MODULE.9:.Fn SYSCALL_MODULE name "int *offset" "struct sysent
*new_sysent" "modeventhand_t evh" "void *arg"
man9/SYSCALL_MODULE.9:.It Fa evh
man9/SYSCALL_MODULE.9:.Fa evh

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