The FreeBSD Korean Documentation Project

Ardie Hyun Hwang iam at
Sat Feb 8 05:01:47 UTC 2014

Hi all.
We, newly gathered members of Korean BSD User Group, are about to fully reconstruct our group from ashes, for reuniting scattered BSD users in Korea. And as a first step toward that goal, we decided to restart working on abandoned Korean Documentation Project.

The reason of this message is to request help on reviving the project. We have already tried contacting DocKR mailing list -- doc at -- and got nothing but a delivery failure; looks like the former localizing team is totally dismissed or so.

We wish to have a warm guidance from you doc@ people, as we do not have much experience in participating this big project.

Thank you.

Ardie Hyun Hwang
email: iam at
mobile: +82-10-I-AM-ARDIE

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