New handbook section - resizing/growing disks

Allan Jude freebsd at
Sun Feb 2 08:16:13 UTC 2014

The question of how to resize a disk partition/file system has come up a
number of times on IRC and elsewhere.

A user writing a raspberry pi image to an SD card that is larger than
the image and wanting to grow the file system to use the rest of the SSD

Creating a live USB system

A user who rented a VPS and then paid to grow the disk from 20GB to 80GB
but the default install had the swap partition at the end.

So, I wrote this section for the handbook that describes how to deal
with those issues.

Allan Jude
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Index: disks/chapter.xml
--- disks/chapter.xml	(revision 43726)
+++ disks/chapter.xml	(working copy)
@@ -252,6 +252,143 @@
     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mount /newdisk</userinput></screen>
+  <sect1 xml:id="disks-growing">
+    <info>
+      <title>Resizing and Growing Disks</title>
+      <authorgroup>
+	<author>
+	  <personname>
+	    <firstname>Allan</firstname>
+	    <surname>Jude</surname>
+	  </personname>
+	  <contrib>Originally contributed by </contrib>
+	</author>
+      </authorgroup>
+    </info>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>disks</primary>
+      <secondary>resizing</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <para>This section describes how to resize (grow) an existing disk
+      in &os;.  This procedure is most common with virtual machines,
+      but can also apply to images written to USB devices or other
+      cases where the partitions written to a disk do not match the
+      actual size of the disk.</para>
+    <para>Determine the device name of the disk that needs to be
+      resized by inspecting <filename>/var/run/dmesg.boot</filename>.
+      In this example, there is only one <acronym>SATA</acronym> disk
+      in the system, so the drive will appear as
+      <filename>ada0</filename>.</para>
+    <indexterm><primary>partitions</primary></indexterm>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary><command>gpart</command></primary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <para>List the partitions on the disk to determine what needs to
+      be done to resize the desired partition:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart show ada0</userinput>
+=>      34  83886013  ada0  GPT  (48G) [CORRUPT]
+        34       128     1  freebsd-boot  (64k)
+       162  79691648     2  freebsd-ufs  (38G)
+  79691810   4194236     3  freebsd-swap  (2G)
+  83886046         1        - free -  (512B)</screen>
+    <note>
+      <para>If the disk was formatted with the <link
+	  xlink:href="">
+	<acronym>GPT</acronym></link> partitioning scheme, it may show
+	as corrupted because <acronym>GPT</acronym> stores a backup
+	of the partition table at the end of the drive, which has now
+	moved.</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart recover ada0</userinput>
+ada0 recovered</screen>
+    </note>
+    <para>Now the additional space on the disk is available:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart show ada0</userinput>
+=>       34  102399933  ada0  GPT  (48G)
+         34        128     1  freebsd-boot  (64k)
+        162   79691648     2  freebsd-ufs  (38G)
+   79691810    4194236     3  freebsd-swap  (2G)
+   83886046   18513921        - free -  (8.8G)</screen>
+    <para>It is only possible to resize a partition into contiguous
+      free space, however the last partition on the disk is the swap
+      partition, rather than the partition to be resized.  Since swap
+      does not contain any non-volatile data, it can safely be deleted
+      and recreated after.</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>swapoff /dev/ada0p3</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart delete -i 3 ada0</userinput>
+ada0p3 deleted
+&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart show ada0</userinput>
+=>       34  102399933  ada0  GPT  (48G)
+         34        128     1  freebsd-boot  (64k)
+        162   79691648     2  freebsd-ufs  (38G)
+   79691810   22708157        - free -  (10G)</screen>
+    <para>Next resize the partition, leaving room to recreate a swap
+      partition of the desired size.</para>
+    <note>
+      <para>There is risk involved with modifying a live file system,
+	it is best to perform the following steps while running off of
+	a live CD or USB device.  However it can be done on a live
+	system with the following work around:
+	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16</userinput></screen>
+      </para>
+    </note>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart resize -i 2 -s 47G ada0</userinput>
+ada0p2 resized
+&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart show ada0</userinput>
+=>       34  102399933  ada0  GPT  (48G)
+         34        128     1  freebsd-boot  (64k)
+        162   98566144     2  freebsd-ufs  (47G)
+   98566306    3833661        - free -  (1.8G)</screen>
+    <para>Next, recreate the swap partition:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart add -t freebsd-swap ada0</userinput>
+ada0p3 added
+&prompt.root; <userinput>gpart show ada0</userinput>
+=>       34  102399933  ada0  GPT  (48G)
+         34        128     1  freebsd-boot  (64k)
+        162   98566144     2  freebsd-ufs  (47G)
+   98566306    3833661     3  freebsd-swap  (1.8G)
+&prompt.root; <userinput>swapon /dev/ada0p3</userinput></screen>
+    <para>Finally, grow the UFS file system on the resized
+      partition:</para>
+    <note>
+      <para>growing a live UFS file system is only possible in &os;
+	10.0-RELEASE and later, for earlier versions, the file system
+	must not be mounted.</para>
+    </note>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>growfs /dev/ada0p2</userinput>
+Device is mounted read-write; resizing will result in temporary write suspension for /.
+It's strongly recommended to make a backup before growing the file system.
+OK to grow filesystem on /dev/ada0p2, mounted on /, from 38GB to 47GB? [Yes/No] <userinput>Yes</userinput>
+super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
+ 80781312, 82063552, 83345792, 84628032, 85910272, 87192512, 88474752,
+ 89756992, 91039232, 92321472, 93603712, 94885952, 96168192, 97450432</screen>
+    <para>The partition has now been resized to make use of all
+      available space on the disk.</para>
+  </sect1>
   <sect1 xml:id="usb-disks">
       <title>USB Storage Devices</title>
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