docs/181808: Chapter 15.15 (Resource Limits) misses important information

ShelLuser pl at
Wed Sep 4 13:00:01 UTC 2013

>Number:         181808
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       Chapter 15.15 (Resource Limits) misses important information
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 04 13:00:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     ShelLuser
>Release:        9.1-RELEASE

In order to further secure my system I've build a custom kernel and included the RACCT and RCTL options to provide support for rctl, I've basically followed chapter 15.15 from the Handbook:

In my opinion this chapter should either reference or copy the section about resource limits which can be found in chapter 14.4 of the handbook:

I'm referring to (quote:) "Resource limits differ from the default login capabilities in two ways. First, for every limit...".


Because this section claims to be dealing with resource limits as a whole (when looking at the title) I was sort of expecting a section which would try to cover all its bases so to speak. In my opinion the section where it is explained that "most resource limits apply per process to a specific user, not to the user as a whole" is a very important aspect for people new to this.


Please note that these are only suggestions:

Above the line "To enable this feature.." (at the top) a small section could be added:

"Although the command is new the resource limits still comply to certain limitations as mentioned in chapter 14.14 of this handbook" (where "chapter 14.14" could be a link).

Another suggestion: at the bottom, after the line "See rctl(8) to learn about them" this could be added:

"Also see chapter 14.14 of this handbook which explains the differences between the default login capabilities and also provides a list of the most commonly used resource limits." (where "chapter 14.14" could also be a link).


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