what is with all the spam

Florian Smeets flo at smeets.im
Sun Mar 17 11:19:34 UTC 2013

On 16.03.13 12:04, Bruce Cran wrote:
> (cc postmasters)
> On 16/03/2013 08:17, Joshua Baillie wrote:
>> grey list not working?
> SpamAssassin etc. should be stopping it - it's really obvious spam which 
> for some reason is going straight through.
> Postmasters: could you investigate why freebsd-doc is getting so much 
> spam please?

Thank you for your report.

We made a few changes yesterday and Spamassassin should be back on track.

I believe nobody from postmaster is subscribed to doc@, so if this
reappears please let us know. For the next few days I'll keep monitoring
the list via the mail archive.


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