removing 'changes' section from the online edition
Gabor Kovesdan
gabor at
Sat Jun 1 20:22:04 UTC 2013
Em 01-06-2013 20:52, Warren Block escreveu:
>> No objection from me, I just want to bring it up again that handling
>> these with a single-source solution would be nice, i.e. using DocBook
>> profiling. It would also facilitate merges. This basically consists
>> of adding edition="print" to the affected section of preface and then
>> setting up profiling. (I can do it, just ping me if there is
>> consensus on this).
> Yes! I was just talking about this elsewhere. Could we do it so only
> the non-print sections need to be modified?
You only need to add edition="online" to non-print sections. And only
need to add edition="print" to non-online sections. The rest is shared
and the markup is kept minimal.
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