Another CSS suggestion: pre-wrap

Warren Block wblock at
Sun Jul 28 23:21:51 UTC 2013

On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:

> On 2013.07.29. 0:21, Warren Block wrote:
>>>> Do you mean Java is needed to do the linewrap on XHTML, or that it would 
>>>> be needed to do line numbers and syntax highlighting?
>>> For the latter two only.
>> Excellent!  What do you think about adding it after the doc slush ends in a 
>> week or so? 
> Good. I think the slush is about content change so that translators can catch 
> up so I personally I would not object if you wanted to do it earlier.

Okay.  If the end of line character is an image, that will have to be 
included in imagelib, with acompanying changes in  Or 
maybe there's a better way to do it, and make sure that image is 
included with every document.

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