CFR: documentation rendered in PDF with FOP

Gabor Kovesdan gabor.kovesdan at
Tue Jul 23 23:04:04 UTC 2013

On 2013.07.23. 23:55, Michael Ross wrote:
> I just skimmed through the pdf of the german version of the 
> developer's handbook and noticed some problems with syllabification at 
> the end of lines.
> Examples:
>     filename "fromboz.c" printed as
>         from-
>         boz.c
Do you think filenames and such should not be hyphenated at all? I've 
been thinking of it but that may sometimes result in weird spacing 
because of the justification.
>     "/usr/share/mk" printed as
>         /
>         share/mk
>     "Option -o" printed as
>         Option -
>         o
> From the english version:
>     "<des at>" printed as
>         <des at FreeB-
> Plus, in some paragraphs nearly all lines end with a hyphen; I think 
> that makes the whole hard to read.
> If possible, I would turn syllabification off altogether. 
Hyphenation can still be improved and actually it is a requirement for 
printed publications. With hyphenation, justification works better and 
text should have a more pleasant outlook. We can tweak the dictionaries 
to avoid hyphenating the word FreeBSD and such. And as a last resort, we 
can still easily turn it off if we are not satisfied with the result. 
The rendering is still a work in progress. I'll see what I can do here.


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