Fixing the man page for renice

Frank Leonhardt freebsd-doc at
Sat Jul 6 11:47:12 UTC 2013

Okay - I've been around here for some time but I haven't actually 
changed anything. I'm hoping someone will sanity check the following as 
a reasonable course of action, as I really don't want to mess anything up.

I'm reading:

The problem is the man page for renice. Has anyone tried it as the root 
user in a jail? You can increase the nice value of any process within 
the jail you like, but you can't decrease it. In other words it behaves 
as though you were a standard user except you can change other users' 
processes too.

This all seems reasonable as you don't want the root user in their 
jailed machine pinching CPU time from everyone else. It's probably 
documented somewhere, but I've only found an old discussion about 
allowing jailed users to renice anything. It's certinaly not in the 
first place I'd look - the man page.

So, what I've done:

I've searched for "renice" in and not found it 

I've Googled for things like "renice in jail"

I've checked out the behaviour out on running systems I have available 
to me.

I'm about to fill out this form here:

Should I do anything else first?

Thanks, Frank.

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