Strange htdocs/ build failures...

Glen Barber gjb at
Tue Jan 8 21:36:32 UTC 2013


I see the following build failure on my laptop, and could use some help
tracking down the cause.  For reference, I also see this failure on
freefall, so I do not think it is something with my local environment.
Strangely, red has not been complaining about build failures, and a news
entry update I committed earlier today is visible on the site.

Anyone see what I'm missing?  Thanks.

env SGML_CATALOG_FILES= XML_CATALOG_FILES="file:///freebsd/doc/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/catalog-cwd.xml  file:///freebsd/doc/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/xml/catalog.xml  file:///freebsd/doc/head/share/xml/catalog.xml  file:///freebsd/doc/head/share/xml/catalog-common.xml  file:///usr/local/share/xml/catalog" /usr/local/bin/xsltproc  --xinclude --stringparam LOCALBASE /usr/local --stringparam DOC_PREFIX /freebsd/doc/head --nonet --catalogs  -o community.html --param usergroups.xml "'/freebsd/doc/head/share/xml/usergroups.xml'"  --param usergroups-local.xml "'/freebsd/doc/head/share/xml/usergroups.xml'" --param events.xml-master "'/freebsd/doc/head/share/xml/events.xml'"  --param events.xml "'/freebsd/doc/head/share/xml/events.xml'"  community.xsl /freebsd/doc/head/share/xml/events.xml
XPath error : Undefined variable
//event[number(enddate/year) = (number($curdate.year) - 1)]
compilation error: file community.xsl line 19 element key
xsl:key : 'match' pattern compilation failed '//event[number(enddate/year) = (number($curdate.year) - 1)]'
*** [community.html] Error code 5

Stop in /freebsd/doc/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs.


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