Health Sector Undergraduate and Graduate Program Directory

Victoria Baker baker.victoria33 at
Tue Feb 19 17:44:33 UTC 2013

Hi there,

I am a researcher for an online project that, in conjunction with the National Center for Education Statistics, created a National Education Index for students interested in pursuing a wide variety of health sector related undergraduate and graduate programs across the US. I was wondering if you're responsible for maintaining We've collected and compiled data from more than 19,000 education programs at 2,240 universities throughout  the nation and packaged the data into an easy to use database that you will not only find insightful, but extremely useful.

I strongly believe this database, along with all of our other featured resources, would be a great complement to your website for students interested in furthering their education. So far, over 200 universities and governmental agencies have utilized this database project for their communities. I thought this might be of interest to you and I'm curious if you'd like to see it? Please let me know and I'll send it over.

Thanks for your time. I hope to hear from you soon!

Victoria Baker

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