todo page

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Tue Feb 5 15:49:24 UTC 2013

Em 05-02-2013 15:38, Eitan Adler escreveu:
> On 5 February 2013 03:55, Gabor Kovesdan<gabor at>  wrote:
>> >Em 05-02-2013 05:29, Eitan Adler escreveu:
>>> >>
>>> >>I intend to remove
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>It is described as "an up-to-date list of documentation issues" here:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>I intend to remove that paragraph too.
>> >
>> >There are still valuable entries there. It should be merged to the wiki
>> >ideas list or somewhere else instead of removing.
> Handbook is covered by PublishedFormat
> FAQ is covered by ThwackAFAQ
> This page talks about 5.x as if we still care.
> Which ideas are valuable?
Is the installation chapter up to date? Do we have a printer setup 
example? Are USB printers also covered? And what about USB audio? Are 
all of the mentioned manual pages completed? These should all be checked 
before removing these items. The fact that they were not completed for 
the initial deadline (5.X) which passed a long time ago, does not mean 
they should never be completed. For example, arch-handbook still lacks 
content. The website rendering issue may still persist since there 
hasn't been any layout change since then. But you could remove the 
"Done" items since they are no use any more. Also, the toolchain items 
are also done despite not marked as such. The rest should only be 
removed if properly verified.


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